Groups Discussion Guide

Read Scripture. Go Deeper. Ask Questions. Take Action.

Pastor Justin Jenkins

Good Soil Part 2: A Dirty Little Secret


Mark 4:26-29 NIV

26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”

Main Idea

God is consistantly and faithfully working in our lives and in the lives of those around us, however, we may struggle to embrace the process of plowing, planting, waiting, tending, and harvesting. Some of these steps require action on our part, others require faith that God is doing his part, even when we can't see it. Plant seeds in faith and watch it grow. During the growth time, trust God's hand to be doing what you cannot see or fully understand. However, we don't need to fully understand in order to obey. There are things that help grow our faith and obedience; prayer, fasting (a meal, a food, social media, etc), sacrifical giving, to name a few. These things can help us to resist the temptation to get things out of order (wanting a harvest before it's ripe), or worse, stop sowing because we can't see it growing. Obedience is our job, the outcome is God's.

Don't let what you don't know, keep you from what you can sow

Discussion Questions

  1. This week's sermon reminded us that God is working 'behind the scenes'. Can you think of a time when you experienced an 'I don't know how God did it, but he did' time in your life?
  2. Can you think of a time when you struggled with trusting the process?
  1. Looking back at that time of struggle, what words of encouragement would you give to yourself, if you could?
  2. Pastor Justin shared several examples of small things that turned out to be the seed God used (a boy's lunch that fed the masses, the small stone that killed the giant); what might be a small seed in your life? Are you doing your part to till and sow?


In summary, God has called us to obey even when we are blind to his work under the surface. We may be unable to see and know the specifics, but we know God to be faithful even when we don't understand. We don't have to fully understand the WHAT as long as we understand the WHO. Don't stop sowing, just because you can't see it growing. Let Him do His job, and let the soil produce His purpose.

Take Action

-Begin praying about how God wants you to participate in the Year End Vision Offering

-Give a word of encouragment to someone who may feel they are in a time of waiting and trusting

-Smile and intentionally engage in an encouraging converstation with a stranger -at a store, in church, at work, where ever! You are planting seeds of joy and encouragment
