Give Now →

Generosity isn’t something we do, it’s who we are.

Ways we give

We can achieve far more together than we can apart.

Give Online

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, or debit or credit card.

Secure Portal

Send a Check

Make checks payable to:
Velocity Church
P.O. Box 3203
Lawrence, KS 66046 -0203


Text Message

Simply text the amount you’d like to give with a dollar sign to 84321. And if it’s your first time using this option, just follow the quick and easy prompts to set it up, and then you can text your giving amount each week.

Text 84321

Give Online

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, or debit or credit card.

Secure Portal

Stock Giving

Contributions of stock are some of the most tax-efficient ways to give. A direct donation of the asset can result in up to 20% more value for your donation because of the capital gains tax savings.

Give Stock


Generosity goes above and beyond. Visioneering is a team that builds the vision and accelerates the mission of our church through their giving by investing in three key areas - our home, our future and our world.

Learn More

Other Ways to Give

Looking to donate crypto, stocks or other property? Wondering if you can donate via Venmo or Cashapp? We can help. Simply send us an email by following the link below and we’ll help you get the process started.

Email Velocity
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