Groups Discussion Guide

Read Scripture. Go Deeper. Ask Questions. Take Action.

Jacob Fowles

God's Plan for Your Finances


Psalms 23:2-3

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,he leads me beside quiet waters,3 he refreshes my soul.He guides me along the right paths    for his name’s sake.

Main Idea

God knows that money isn’t just a worldly thing—money is spiritual, and it is one of, if not the number one thing, that spiritually gets in the way between our hearts and God. When people talk about money they often discuss these principles: earnings, savings, controlling spending, investing, and giving. But this isn’t God’s way. And God tells us what we should expect when we follow the world’s way instead of His, and when we ignore the spiritual connection to our finances. God says our calling is more important than our compensation. He we should seek contentment over consumption. Finally, God is calling you to be generous.

God gives us so much guidance about money because He knows that our hearts aren’t available to Him if this area of our life is out of order.

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Psalms 23:2-3. How is a shepherd and a flock of sheep symbolic of how God cares for us?
  2. The Bible talks about money four times more than it talks about prayer. Is this surprising to you? What message does this convey about the importance of money?
  3. Pastor Jacob compared calling to compensation, contentment to consumption, and relying on God to self-reliance. Which one of these resonates most with you and why?
  4. What would your life look like if you followed God's financial plan? What steps can you take to begin following His plan?


  • Calling over Compensation: Real satisfaction and real joy isn’t found in an account balance; it is found in knowing you are doing the thing God put you on this planet to do. You don’t just need money to live on. You need something to live for. Follow your calling.
  • Contentment vs. Consumption: Contentment is  not the fulfillment of what we want but the realization of what we already have. The happiest people say, this is enough. Philippians 4:12-13
  • God-Dependent over Go-It-Alone: We aren’t purposed to be independent, to go it alone. We are purposed to be God-dependent. The world tells us a lie that if we accumulate enough we can have security, but true security comes through God alone.

Take Action

  • Pray Psalms 23 each day. Need a reminder? Download wallpaper for your desktop or phone here.
  • Attend Essentials next Sunday at 10am. Essentials is where you’ll learn more about Velocity and get connected with people at church.
  • Catch up on the sermons you missed (or send them to a friend).


  • Child dedications, where families can publicly dedicate their child before God and the church family, are Sunday, April 28th. Register your child here.