Groups Discussion Guide

Read Scripture. Go Deeper. Ask Questions. Take Action.

Pastor Justin Jenkins

For Heaven's Sake


‍Revelation 21:4 ESV

4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Main Idea

Much of what we know about Heaven is based on cultural and not Biblical truths leaving many Christians ignorant about eternal life. God gives us concrete language to conceptualize Heaven. The Bible shows us that Heaven comes in phases, present and future Heaven. Present Heaven is a temporary place where we live in the presence of the Lord absent from our bodies. In future Heaven, we will commune with the Lord on a new earth for eternity. There will be no temptation or sin because Satan will be no more and all inhabitants received the gift of righteousness. Heaven is better than we can imagine, and scripture encourages us to think about it and find evidence of it in our daily lives.

Wherever God dwells is Heaven. Wherever His throne is Heaven is. From the beginning, God's intention was to commune with humanity.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why are Christians so resistant to talk about Heaven?
  2. How do cultural depictions of Heaven differ from Biblical descriptions?
  3. How does the concept of Heaven having phases affect your understanding of life after death?
  4. What clues has God shown you about what Heaven will look like?
  5. What part of today's message was most surprising to you? How did it make you feel about your eternal dwelling?


  1. Heaven comes in phases. (Ephesians 2:7 ESV, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23) When people die, they are in God's presence but are separated from their bodies. The present Heaven is described as a place of bliss, comfort, and joy. Future Heaven is eternal life on a new earth in the presence of the Lord.
  2. Heaven is life on a new earth. (Revelations 21: 1-3) Earth gives clues about what eternity will be like. Heaven will not be devoid of sensory experiences; rather, it will be a perfect version of life without sin, corruption, and evil.
  3. Heaven is not beyond what you can imagine, it's better than you can imagine. (Revelations 21:4) Scripture commands us to think about Heaven. God would not ask us to think about ii, if we couldn't imagine it.

Take Action

  • Popcorn & Movies is our most popular sermon series and it starts on Sunday, July 21! Movies can only be seen in-person so we hope to see you there. Start inviting your friends. This is a great time to bring people who may not otherwise step in a church. Popcorn, candy, and soda provided!
  • Complete a Bible Study Plan. YouVersion (downloadable on your phone) has a Bible study called, "Fix Your Eyes on Eternity," by Randy Alcorn. Pastor Justin referenced Alcorn's book, Heaven, during today's message.


  • Serve Day is Saturday, July 20th, from 9a-12p. Check out the list of different projects we'll have going on that day -- from working on pollinator habitats to hosting a lemonade stand to putting together care kits, there's a project for everyone!