August 28, 2024

How to get the most out of a sermon

Attending church on Sunday is a powerful way to connect with God, but did you know there’s a secret to getting even more out of it? Here’s the key—we learn more when we share what we’ve heard than when we just listen. Let me show you four simple steps you can take to unlock the potential and maximize every sermon.

1. Gather Some Friends
We all have friends, right? And if you don’t, this is your chance to change that by joining or starting a group. Gathering a few friends to discuss Sunday’s sermon can be a game-changer. When we share our thoughts and insights, we reinforce what we’ve learned, and we get the benefit of hearing how others are applying the message in their own lives.

2. Find a Time That Works
Life is busy, but making time for friends is a natural part of what we do. Find a day and time that works for everyone in your friend group. It could be an evening meal, a coffee catch-up before or after work, or even a simple meet-up whenever everyone is free. The key is consistency—making this happen once a month or every other week is a rhythm everyone can commit to.

3. Choose a Public Place
Let’s be honest—having people over can sometimes feel like a chore. The pressure to make your home picture-perfect is real, right? That’s why I recommend meeting in a public spot like a coffee shop. These places offer a relaxed atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable, and there’s no pressure to play host. Plus, it’s a great neutral ground if your group is still getting to know each other. (If you live in Lawrence shoot an email to and we'll give you a list of some great places to choose from)

4. Talk About the Sermon
What's a great about this is that it's a natural connection point for everyone. Even better, when you and your friends start discussing the sermon, you’re not just talking—you’re transforming. Dive into the main points, share your personal takeaways, and encourage each other to apply the message throughout the week. This is where the sermon moves from something you’ve heard to something you live out.

By following these steps, the sermons you hear on Sunday will start to have a deeper, more lasting impact on your life. You’ll grow spiritually and build strong, supportive friendships that carry you through the week. (And here is a Pro Tip: We've done the hard work for you. Simply use the group discussion guide found here. It’s updated weekly with the latest sermon insights and provides a solid framework to keep your conversations meaningful and focused.)

So why wait? Gather your friends, pick a time and place, and start getting the most out of every sermon!